Tuesday, 21 April 2009

Lost but not hopeless

Saturday evening should have been a 30 minute car journey to see an old lecturer but instead it turned out to be a 2 hour adventure. I hadn't been to his house before so hastily jotted some directions down off google before leaving the house 15 minutes late (I don't wear a watch and lost track of time). All seemed to be going well until we were faced with an unexpected fork in the road after leaving the motorway. So we went left. Realised we were lost, went into a shop to ask for directions, spoke to 4 shop workers to no avail, left and followed a taxi who explained exactly were we needed to go. Unfortunately for us he was very wrong. We managed to find a supermarket and bought a map, only to quickly realise that not one of the 3 of us could read one! So our journey continued until we drove into the city centre (He lives nowhere near the city centre) and spoke to a taxi office who pointed us in the opposite but seemingly correct direction. 20 minutes later we arrived at our destination and apologised like never before, especially when we found out that they had cooked for us.

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